Elmendorf Air Force Base Fitness Center

In 2005, the United States Army Corps of Engineers asked Hastings+Chivetta to write the Facilities Design Guide for Fitness Centers so that all bases could provide environments that improve morale and support combat readiness. With these guidelines in mind, the United States Air Force commissioned Hastings+Chivetta – in association with McCool Carlson Green – to expand and renovate the Fitness Center at Elmendorf Air Force Base. Aircraft located on site inspired the building’s design; the entry canopy and raised roof echo the angle of flight as an aircraft leaves the ground. The new floor plan increases the efficiency of the facility by reshaping the relationships between fitness elements, building organization, and circulation patterns. The expansion adds racquetball courts, exercise rooms, offices and storage to the completely renovated areas of specialized training, cardio and weight rooms, gymnasiums, locker rooms, a track and a pool. New lighted trophy display cases line the corridor and can be viewed from the new juice bar. State-of-the-art technology includes closed-circuit television, security video surveillance, and alarm systems throughout. New landscaping, walkways and a plaza enhance the exterior.