Campus Master Plan

The College of Wooster has prioritized campus master planning since 1900, continually helping the College uphold its long-standing tradition of inclusion and its enduring mission of education. Hastings+Chivetta was engaged to develop a 2020 update to the College’s 2012 Master Plan.

The 2020 Master Plan Update advances the work of previous master plans by testing alternate methods of addressing space need and reducing capital outlay. The process was guided by the Executive Committee and Steering Committee. Input was gathered from multiple stakeholder groups organized by department or by an area of focus such as sustainability.

To kickstart the planning process, the Executive Committee articulated a series of planning goals divided into four areas of focus: Campus-Wide, Academic, Student Life, and Athletic. The goals consider recent campus accomplishments and new and emerging needs prioritized by the College’s Strategic Plan. The master planning process involved over fifty meetings with campus leadership and various stakeholder groups including faculty, staff, and students. Stakeholders helped to establish a series of short- and long-term campus improvements to be implemented.

Hastings+Chivetta conducted a Facilities Condition Assessment that inspected forty-seven campus buildings and largely recommended improvements to mechanical systems and interior finishes. A Space Utilization Study quantified the need for more active learning environments and specialized instructional space for the fine and performing arts.

The 2020 Master Plan Update proposes renovations to the College’s existing stadium, theatre, and a variety of academic buildings.  Phased replacement of the campus’ multiple residential precincts as well as new construction of a tennis complex and a parking and grounds facility were also proposed in the final plan.  Ultimately, the new Master Plan guides the College in advancing the liberal arts tradition of strategic and tactical thinking to bridge the gap between the classroom and global workplace.